今日:37 总数:24151
Queens nail shop sale-646-596-3657
1. Queens metropolitan ave Nail shop
Rent: $3600, Size: 1700SQ
Lease:8 years
Mani:6 Padi:4, Room:3, park space.
Complete with ventilation
Sale price: $60,000
2. Flushing 162 st 45 ave Nail shop
Rent: $2400, Lease:5 years
Pedi:5 mani:5
Sale price: $35,000
3. Flushing 15 Minutes North Nail shop
Rent: $4300(all inclusive) Size: 1300 SQ FT
Mani:8, Padi:6, Room:4
Working people: 7(weekend) , week day 4 people working.
. No pick up working people. Complete with ventilation
. Annual sales: $450,000
Sale Price: $170,00
4.Long Island nail shop Huntington NY
10:00-7:00 (7 days open)
Rent $3900 (Re tax $800-1000 Y. 3% up)
Electricity +Gas $600
M 6 ($15) P 4 ($30) R 1
Employer 7P
2022 $390.000
2023 $ 418.000
Asking price $150,000
UV .SPA is said to have good sales due to the large number of customers. It has been in
operation for 8 years. Retire.
5. Royal nail
1139 Pleasantville Briarcliff Manor
1000 sq
9:30-6:00 (days open Sunday and Monday)
Rent $3600 (Re tax $4500Y .3% up)
M 8 P 6 R1
Asking price $185.000
2023 $400.000 (card $280.000 )
6. Finger nail
1787 post road E west port CT 06880
Rent $4.407
Electricity +Gas $400
M 6 ($15) P 6($30) R 1
Employer 6 P
Annual sales 43-450,000
2023 card $371,000 + cash $80,000
ATM machine income available
Asking price $230,000
The owner is moving to Long Island and wants to sell. Those who work will be picked up at
Dustin Khoo 646-596-3657 Cana realty
电话:(465) 963-6571


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